The transcritical CO2 rack Mini Booster, is suitable for medium and low temperature applications operating in small – medium supermarkets. The cooling capacity is between 25 and 95 kW for MT applications, 5 to 25 kW for LT applications. The system uses 3 compressors in MT (2 MT + 1 parallel compressor or 3 MT) and 2 or 3 compressors in LT.

mini booster

The most compact CO2 system
Mini Booster transcritical CO2 systems are ideal for normal and low temperature refrigeration applications in medium size stores. Fewer compressors and more compact dimensions make these systems highly adaptable. They offer all the efficiency needed to satisfy the refrigeration needs of supermarkets and discount stores.


mini booster

Mini Booster systems come with refrigeration capacities from 25 to 100 kW in normal temperature and from 7 to 20 kW in low temperature applications. They are available in both open and closed versions and are equipped with inverter controlled NT1, LT1 and parallel compressors, a liquid receiver with a backup unit and a stainless-steel high pressure circuit. They can also recover heat in order to produce hot water and heat the store.