big iso panels


BIGISOPANELS : is a system that consists of a line of insulat-ing panels, a wide range of joints and fasteners and a series of ac-cessories and sanitary fixtures for the construction of cold store, cold rooms for positive and negative temperatures, agricultural and food product storage, pro-cessing rooms, refrigerated tun-nels, drying rooms, controlled atmosphere rooms, refrigerated rooms for the chemical indus-try and logistics refrigerated centers.

big iso panels

The injection of the polyurethane takes place in an open mould to guarantee a perfect distribution and homogeneity of density of the polyurethane foam, which we have been producing since 1996 in complete CFC and HCFC exemption: the blowing agent in the PP series is 134a and in the GS series it is N-pentane, which guarantee excellent dimensional stability of the foam.

The excellent adhesion of the polyurethane foam to the panel substrates ensured by the “Kappa” effect gives the whole an excellent mechanical resistance, hence the possibility of self-bearing, total or partial use.

big iso panels

Two production lines:

  • Continuous line: for producing large quantities of GS series panels, perfect for faster processing of high volume orders
  • Discontinuous line: for producing special, made-to-measure panels, such as PGS-G panels with eccentric hooks

